GEXVal Selected by METI for the Project of '2018 Support Regional Core Enterprise Innovation'

GEXVal selected by Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry (METI)
for the project of
'2018 Support Regional Core Enterprise Innovation'

On August 1, 2018, GEXVal was selected by the Kanto Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) as a bio-venture to receive support in the 2018 Project for Support of Local Core Businesses. This project selects several dozen companies from among the bio-ventures in Japan and offers various support, including the promotion of alliances/matching and provision of useful information and advice on management. 

As a part of the support we have received for this project, we will participate in BIO-Europe 2018 in Denmark between November 5 and 7, 2018. 

Our president and CEO, Kato Juran, commented that "Entrepreneurial activities in the drug discovery field are very limited in Japan compared to the U.S. and Europe. We appreciate this program because it provides various types of support while our business is in the start-up phase, a period when we have limited experience and resources. We will make the utmost use of this opportunity and will put our best efforts to speed up the process of getting new drugs to patients."